The total attendance for 2017 was 1492 on the wrist band count; this includes visitors, game presenters and traders. Because a wrist band was required to gain entry to both halls we’re pretty sure we counted just about everyone this year which saw an increase of 275 over Hammerhead 2016. There were 70 great public participation games and activities for visitors to play and enjoy, plus 56 of the very best UK manufacturers and traders providing a massive choice of wargame products covering a wide range of different scales and genres.
The policy of making all games at Hammerhead public participation has been key to the continued success and growth of the show, and we thank the large number of game presenters for all their hard work and planning of these great games. The quality of the games on offer this year was truly exceptional and was testimony to the creativity, ingenuity, modelling skills and generosity of all the groups and individuals involved in the preparation and running of the games. Groups of gamers were still busy playing at 4.30, fully in-tune with the ‘stay all day’ policy of so many visitors, which keeps the show buzzing till late afternoon. The three ‘Forest Outlaws’ given the mission of choosing just three games to single out for awards, had a very busy time getting around so many games.
The participation game awards this year went to:
Best Visually Appealing Game - Up the Creek Without a Paddle (Boat)! - Dave and Malc Victorian Steel
Best Constructed Participation Game - Wot, No Parachute! - League of Gentleman Anti-Alchemists
Overall Best Game Dalek's Invasion Earth - South London Warlords
The ‘Gamers Lounge’ proved to be a great success and a good number of people praised the catering, seating and general comfort provided by this recently re-furbished space. The bar proved to be very popular, especially around lunchtime, and a few people commented on how ‘civilised’ it was to have table clothes, comfy chairs and good food at a wargames show! Wargamers deserve a little comfort and credit must go to the staff of Newark Showground for their efforts. The DBA competition players were also very pleased with their new home.
A very big thank you must go to the members of The Forest Outlaws Wargames Club for all their help with setting-up, knocking down, security, car parking etc. as well as presenting and running a good number of the games.
Hammerhead has now grown to be one of the biggest one-day wargame shows in the UK with 3900m2 of exhibition space. We are already working with other parties to introduce new visitor activities for next year and these will be announced in due course.
For traders and manufacturers the cost of trade stands at shows is becoming a major issue, and in recognition of this we will make every effort to continue to maintain the £50 per 6ft x 8ft stand price for Hammerhead 2018. We believe this is achievable by keeping costs under control and increasing the numbers in attendance – Sally will again organise all aspects of the show; trade stands, participation games, table-top sales, advertising, layout planning etc., and the Forest Outlaws will again provide the vital logistical support. With the continued year on year increase in visitors, we believe we can hold the 2018 entrance prices to £5 and £3.
Sally would like to say a sincere thank you to everyone who helped to make Hammerhead 2017 ‘a celebration of the hobby’. She has already started planning Hammerhead 2018 which will be held on Saturday 3rd of March, so please put this date in your diary!
Below is a collection of images taken at Hammerhead 2017 for you to enjoy

Here are a few online reports you may like to read; ... d=16064211 ... -pictures/ ... y-out.html ... d=16063298