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More ACW rules queries

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:09 am
by tede

1. The playsheet says that up to 6 infantry stands can occupy a hex (4 if in column), but the small arms section says a maximum of 3 out of 4 stands in a hex can fire, 2 from the front rank and 1 from the second. Does this limitation just apply to a column?

2. What is the effect of hits from fire? Do they stay on the unit until it resolves a charge? Do hits cause stands to be removed?

3. In a charge, do skirmishers and cavalry test morale before they evade?

4. If both sides get a No Effect result in a charge, do they automatically fight again in the next charge phase, or does a charge have to be declared again? Can the initial attackers choose to shoot instead in the next firing phase?

5. Do you allow interpenetration by moving units? If so, are there any restrictions?

Many thanks


Re: More ACW rules queries

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:19 pm
by Paul K
Hi Tede,
The written text of the rules would answer and clarify the points that you have raised - the play sheets are for use during play. We are still adjusting and refining the system through play testing and feedback from gamers, and therefore the written text is still currently unfinished. The following answers to your questions should prove helpful:
1. Columns which provide for quicker movement can have a maximum of 4 stands whereas lines can have effectively 3 lines (2 stands in each line), in the same hex. In a column formation only the front stand can shoot.
2. The effect of 'hits' on a unit is ascertained from the combat results table, which may cause stands to be removed.
3. Current thinking is that evaders do not have to do a morale test before evading.
4. No effect means that both sides can automatically fight again next turn unless one side decides to withdraw. Yes, the initial attackers can shoot in the next shooting phase.
5. all troops can interpenetrate other friendly troops provided that neither is disrupted.