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Desert v Desert Transition

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:37 pm
by wargamer1979
Hi folks

Desert v Desert Transition:

I'm currently thinking about getting either desert (1) or desert transition (2) hexon II boards or even a mixture of each.

Firstly - are they the same colour desert? (Looking at the photos they seem to vary in shade).

Secondly - which would look better for a North African campaign? (1) v (2)?

Hope to hear your views soon. :?:

Best wishes


Re: Desert v Desert Transition

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:06 pm
by Paul K
The desert and desert transition boards are all the same base colour of flock, all from the same batch. The desert transition boards have Noch 50210 green flock areas added. The reason that the colour appears different in various photos is purely due to different lighting conditions.

The desert transition boards are more popular than the desert boards, and in my humble opinion, they do create a more visually interesting layout.

The North African desert was very much 'desert transition' in the coastal and more fertile areas , but with less vegetation in the much dryer south.
In the end the decision is all down to personal choice and preference.